Your place for awareness, spiritual growth and community through yoga, meditation and Ayurveda!

A warm welcome!

Experience heart-based, professional online yoga classes with our highly qualified, international teachers in face-to-face classes. Discover and explore the exciting and holistic world of yoga, Ayurveda and meditation. Connect with a wonderful, global community of like-minded people. Find deep relaxation, peace and joie de vivre and come into harmony with yourself!
Our diverse offers are aimed at all ages and practice levels. Simply choose the offer that suits you and take part from anywhere in the world. Book your course or workshop now and start your transformative journey to more balance, inner abundance and well-being!

Our vision

We offer high-quality teaching with international, first-class teachers in their field and connect people of the heart worldwide. We inspire and create awareness for a sustainable, spiritual way of life and create a space of loving community through conscious events, connecting and growing together through shared and conscious practice online and offline.

Become part of our wonderful community!

Book your online course here!

Here you can find all current courses, workshops and lectures in the fields of yoga, meditation and Ayurveda as well as exciting specials and offers on the topic of sustainability.

 It's that easy!

Your online course in 3 steps!

Here you can find out everything you need to know from your booking to the course or workshop!

Contact & Newsletter Registration


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In Harmony With Nature e.V.