Reading in the Palm Leaf Library

Find your destiny and path in life! 

Learn more about this great mystery here and use the readings to develop and unfold your life path! The founder of the online yoga school, Stephanie Bunk, has been deeply connected to the lineage of the 19 Siddhas and Rishis from Tamil Nadu and the Indian palm leaves since 2013. She experiences inner guidance via the Jiva Nadi through her spiritual teachers Agastya Maha-Rishi and Lubamitra. In October 2013, they came into her life and sent her a message that they wished to be her spiritual teachers. Since then, she has been under their loving direct guidance. The Jiva Nadi is a palm leaf library with a direct connection to the Rishis and Siddhas and direct communication with them in the now time. Stephanie regularly receives messages directly from them and works for the rishis and siddhas based on these messages. 

In recent years, she has received many blessings from Agastya. In 2015, she was authorized by Agastya to touch people with the blessings of Maha Poorna Atma Yoga and initiate them into this powerful spiritual practice. In 2019, in alignment with Agastya Maharishi, she published her first book: “New Earth - New Man”. Agastya informed her of the publication date via the Jiva Nadi and that the first edition of this book should comprise 108 books. She is currently writing her second book, which is also under the loving guidance of Agastya. 

Stephanie regularly organizes Jiva-Nadi readings and works as a translator for Nadi Sastra readings at Mypalmleaf.

Book your reading here and let the blessings of the rishis and siddhas touch you and your life!

Book your palm leaf reading!

Jiva Nadi

At this time, there is nothing more important than raising your own energy frequency. This is our greatest protection. 

One of the closest and for many years directly guided by Agastyar Rishi is Sriraman. Sriraman is a siddha himself. At the age of 25, after completing many tasks Agastyar had given him through the palm leaf libraries, he received a great blessing from Agastyar Rishi that whenever he accompanies people on their path, he will stand in Sriraman's consciousness and guide them through it. When Sriraman sees a person's name and date of birth, he can see the essence of the soul. He sees their original power, their imbalances and the individual energetic tools that the person needs to free themselves from energetic limitations and permanently raise the frequency of consciousness. In recent years, Sriraman has been provided with the entire energetic Siddha medicine, which is considered one of the most energetically powerful systems of medicine on earth. 

The information differs from the Nadi Sastra in that it comes directly from Agastya Rishi. For your reading in the Jiva Nadi, your full name and date of birth are required. You can book your reading directly via the contact form or via What's App. The reading is on a donation basis (recommendation 50,00 - 150,00 €).

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Nadi Sastra

In a Nadi Sastra reading, your palm leaf was written by the Rishis around 5000 years ago and has been waiting all this time to be read to you at the right time. As a rule, the soul feels a kind of call at the right time to go in search of its palm leaf. In the Nadi Sastra Reading, which lasts approx. 2.5 - 3 hours, the first part of the reading involves searching for and finding your palm leaf together with you and then reading it for you. 

Your palm leaf is found when your name, the name of your parents, your birthday and your current situation are described to you in touching detail. You will then be given an insight into the possibilities of your future life and your tasks and potential in 2-3 year steps. You will also be told which areas of your life are energetically blocked and how you can overcome these blockages in order to lead a more fulfilling and joyful life in the future.

The reading will take place online via Zoom. During the reading you will be accompanied by the Nadi Reader and the translators from Tamil to English and from English to German. 

A recommendation: The information of both Nadis together is a very powerful combination to find your own path.

What are the palm leaf libraries?

The palm leaf libraries were founded around 5000 years ago by the Sapta Rishis, the seven great sages “Sapta” means “seven” A Rishi is a “seer” who possesses the gift of receiving highly inspired and absolute knowledge (knowledge that is universally valid at all times) from the divine source and passing it on in a pure and unadulterated form Agastya Rishi is mentioned in the oldest Vedic wisdom scriptures as one of the Sapta Rishis He is one of the founders and writers of the palm leaf libraries in India and Bali

The palm leaf library is a great mystery that completely challenges today's prevailing material world view Thousands of years ago, the soul journeys of many people alive today were written down on palm leaves The rishis had the gift of seeing into the future and thus predicting the lives of many millions of people In addition, the palm leaf libraries are a memory and guardian of the original history of mankind, knowledge that has so far only been accessible to the world in a distorted form for the most part There are a total of twelve palm leaf libraries spread throughout India There are also palm leaf libraries in Bali and Sri Lanka

There are two forms of palm leaf libraries: the Nadi Sastra and the Jiva Nadi The Nadi Sastra can be thought of as a kind of book library Some of the information on the palm leaves was written down over 4000 years ago and is waiting to be passed on to the recipient at the right time today A person's book of life, which they wrote themselves before birth, is read out to them and made visible, so to speak The Jiva Nadi, on the other hand, is a direct connection to the spiritual world Various rishis, such as Agastya Rishi, transmit information from the subtle world directly to people who are directly guided by them, such as Stephanie and others

Deepen your knowledge ...

Stephanie Bunk's book on the Jiva Nadi of Agastyar Rishi was released for publication by the Palm Leaf Libraries in 2018. It describes in detail the current processes in nature and what we can do to prepare our consciousness for the coming age (Satyayuga). The book can be ordered from bookstores and various online bookshops.

In this small brochure you will receive 60 pages of detailed knowledge and a comprehensive understanding of the work and effects of the 19 Siddhas for the current quality of time and the great transformation process that is currently taking place on Earth.

Initiation in Maha Poorna Atma Yoga

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“Maha Poorna Atma Yoga” (MPAY) means “Great Purification of the Soul”. It is a simple spiritual practice and a powerful energetic tool that helps you, in harmony with nature, to purify and free your consciousness from reactivity out of disharmonious energies such as fear, guilt, anger, shame, resentment, jealousy, sadness and envy, etc. The more strongly these negative energies are charged in your consciousness, the faster and more intensely you react to yourself. The more these negative energies are energetically charged in your consciousness, the faster and more intensely you react to situations that trigger you. The vicious circle is that your reactivity further charges the disharmonious energies with energy and at the same time increases your reactivity. In this way, many people are trapped in cycles of suffering and create their lives out of them. MPAY helps you to neutralize, dissolve and transform these negative energetic charges in your consciousness step by step in harmony with nature. This gradually clears your consciousness more and more, making it easier for you to dwell in a state of inner peace and positivity and create a reality in your life that is based on your soul's potential.

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